Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Sherry Towers

Prof. Sherry Towers

Affiliate Scholar

Sherry Towers joined IASS as a senior fellow in September, 2019. She has a diverse background in mathematical and computational modeling, applied statistics, visual analytics, advanced quantitative methods, high performance computing and data mining, and has over 360 publications on a wide variety of topics that include applied statistics, and mathematical and computational epidemiology and sociology. Her unique trans-disciplinary skill set enables her to examine a wide range of research questions that are often of broad interest and importance to policy makers and the general public.

Her diverse research interests include modeling the spread of disease in populations, including influenza, MRSA, Ebola, Zika, and dengue, and also application of contagion models to examine the spread of ideas and social behaviors within a population. Her work in computational sociology includes an analysis of how media can incite panic in a population, and how contagion may play a role in the temporal patterns observed in mass killings in the US. At IASS she will be employing dynamical and statistical models to assess methods for sustainable control of firearm violence in the US.

Publications at the RIFS