Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Roman Huber

Roman Huber

Affiliate Scholar

Born in 1966, grew up in Munich, following the Abitur worked on an alpine farm, travelling.

Social engagement: 2 years of civilian service caring for the elderly, 10 years of service at a home for asylum seekers, work with homeless people

Economic activities (early 1990s): Entering the IT sector at Computer 2000 / Workstation 2000, later at Tech Data, establishment of the pre-sales division, key account management in the HP-UX sector.

Political life to date: Since 1996 Establishment of Mehr Demokratie e.V. with now 10,000 members, 188,000 supporters, 9 offices and 35 staff, currently the largest direct democracy organisation worldwide -

Community life to date: Since 2007 Establishment of the Ecovollage Schloss Tempelhof, one of three cofounders -> home to 100 adults / 40 children, with its own accredited school for free development which is attended by 80 children, organic farming providing 60 to 70% self-sufficiency, seminarhouse with 5.000 bed nights per year, plus a range of other operations.

  • CEO Mehr Demokratie e.V.