Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Dr. Heiko Thomas

Dr. Heiko Thomas

Affiliate Scholar

  • Since 02.2012: Research Associate at IASS
  • 11.2009 - 05.2011: Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin, USA / Project leader - LCLS Free electron laser experiments
  • 08.2009 - 10.2009: Research Stipend from DFG / Experiments at Stanford University and at the University of Texas at Austin, USA
  • 05.2005 - 07.2009: Technische Universität Berlin / PhD in Experimental Physics
  • 08.2002 - 12.2003: Research Fellow at Humboldt University of Berlin / Photonics
  • 10.1996 - 03.2002: University of Rostock / Diploma in Physics, Solid state, atmospheric, oceanographic physic

  • intelligent energy systems, connecting the energy sectors (heat, transport, electricity, gas; also water), integration of renewables into the energy system, energy efficiency measures (especially heat, buildings, transport), energy storage, security of supply
  • sustainable and affordable energy for those who have no access yet, global GHG reduction, climate mitigation goals in the context of SE4All

Publications at the RIFS

Publications prior to joining the RIFS

29 publications with 590 citations,

  • „Neue Erkenntnisse für lange Erdkabel-Strecken: Was von Magnesiumdiborid-Supraleitern in der Praxis erwartet werden kann" representing Prof. Carlo Rubbia's invited talk at 5. Internationale ETP-Konferenz Erdkabel in Berlin, 03/2015
  • „Socio-economics of state-of-the art-transmission lines" Invited talk, Chubu University/Japan, International Symposium on DC Superconducting Power Transmission Line in Chubu University, 03/2014