Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

CrossGov - Coherent and Cross-compliant Ocean Governance for Delivering the EU Green Deal for European Seas : EU and international policy landscape - Mapping EU policies and Green Dealobjectives: general observations for policy coherence in the

CrossGov D2.1 EU and international policy landscape - Mapping EU policies and Green Deal objectives: general observations for policy coherence in the marine domain aims to provide a mapping of the European Green Deal policy landscape relevant to the marine domain and the CrossGov project. It also offers a general introduction into how policy coherence, embedded within the design of (selected) EU policies, supports or impedes progress towards the EGD’s objectives in the marine domain. A total of 36 policies were selected and mapped against five EGD strategies, namely the 2030 Climate Target Plan, the EU Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, the Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, the Zero Pollution Action Plan, and the Sustainable Blue Economy Strategy. These five strategies lay out a total of 25 specific objectives to implement the vision of the EGD, identified as relevant to the marine domain and the focus of the CrossGov project – i.e. climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.

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Boteler, B., Passarello, C., Platjouw, F. M., Friedrich, L., Trubbach, S., Soininen, N., Kyrönviita, J., Puharinen, S.-T., Trevisanut, S., Giannopoulos, N., & Rijn-Bogaart, M. V.(2024). CrossGov - Coherent and Cross-compliant Ocean Governance for Delivering the EU Green Deal for European Seas: EU and international policy landscape - Mapping EU policies and Green Dealobjectives: general observations for policy coherence in the marine domain. Deliverable 2.1. Potsdam: Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam (RIFS).

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