Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Partizipative Klimapolitik: Wie die Integration von Stakeholder- und Bürger*innenbeteiligung gelingen kann

Political decision-makers, who face challenges for society such as the development of an effective climate policy, are more dependent than ever on the participation of stakeholders and citizens due to the complexity and scope of the matter. This is especially true at the municipal level. In this paper, we show what potential lies in the procedural integration of stakeholder and citizen participation and how this combination can succeed in practice. To this end, we first review the theoretical and practical core features of the widespread participation instruments of citizens’ assemblies (mini-publics) and stakeholder Round Tables. Following this conceptual part, we analyze two empirical case studies in which both a stakeholder group and a randomly selected group of citizens jointly developed recommendations. Our analysis shows patterns and preconditions of participation theory and practice that may influence the success of such integrated efforts for bringing citizens and stakeholders together.

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Oppold, D., & Renn, O. (2023). Partizipative Klimapolitik: Wie die Integration von Stakeholder- und Bürger*innenbeteiligung gelingen kann. Der moderne Staat: dms; Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 16(1), 1-23. doi:10.3224/dms.vXiX.296485.


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