Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Comparing clubs: Analyzing ambitions in the G7 and the G20

Mini-lateral ‘clubs’ occupy an increasingly prominent place in the international environmental governance landscape. Yet few studies have looked at how differences between clubs influence the results they produce. This paper aims to fill this gap in understanding by testing hypotheses on how different clubs' membership constellations and leadership (connected to large events) affect ambitions in outcome documents of the G7 and the G20. It tests those hypotheses by employing text and data analytic techniques to compare stated ambitions in environmental documents of G7 and G20 over the past two decades. The analysis reveals that the G7’s language is generally stronger than the G20; and that strategic leadership connected to large events may contribute to raising those ambitions. These findings highlight the importance of mini-lateral clubs as forms of environmental governance and, more generally, illustrates the use of text mining in environmental governance research.

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Olsen, S. H., Zusman, E., Unger, C., Kawazu, E. C., Amanuma, N., Hengesbaugh, M., & Aoki-Suzuki, C. (2023). Comparing clubs: Analyzing ambitions in the G7 and the G20. Earth system governance, 18: 100195. doi:10.1016/j.esg.2023.100195.



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