Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Deliverable 5.2: Case study key findings

This deliverable 5.2 is a compilation of novel research of 16 coal-and-carbon-intensive regions (CCIRs). These case studies were carried under the umbrella of the Tipping Plus project from 2020 until 2023. This collection presents empirical data and their analysis on the diverse transition processes in CCIRs. This report helps define the boundaries of the CCIR and to develop the narratives for each case study considering perspectives from different disciplines across the work packages: WP1 (geography including demography), WP2 (culture & social psychology), WP3 (policy, politics & governance) and WP4 (economics). Empirical findings help to critically study the concept of socio-ecological tipping points. Additionally, each case study presents key trends, and factors that either enable or hinder low-carbon transitions. This novel collection was a collective work of more than fourty-five partners from the Tipping Plus consortium.

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Martínez-Reyes, A.(2022). Deliverable 5.2: Case study key findings. Delft: Delft University of Technology.

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