Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Study on the Socio-Economic Importance of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction in the Southeast Atlantic Region

This report – Study on the socio-economic importance of areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) in the Southeast Atlantic region – aims to analyse the socio-economic importance of the ABNJ adjacent to the countries within the Abidjan Convention Area in West, Central and Southern Africa. It characterizes the socio-economic interests in ABNJ, underpinned by the ecosystem services concept, and the actual and potential social and economic outcomes (costs and benefits) associated with the conservation and use (exploitation) of marine resources, both in qualitative, and to the extent possible in quantitative terms. In this study, the term “socio-economics” is taken in a broad context to include the social aspects related to human well-being, livelihoods, impacts on communities, equity, socio-political systems, as well as economic ones. The analysis is based on an extensive literature review of scientific publications, articles, analysis of available data, stakeholder knowledge and experience, as well as expert opinion gathered through targeted interviews. It provides a narrative and forward-looking assessment of the key activities. The information presented is intend-ed to support decision-makers, including government officials, the private sector and other stakeholders to make informed decisions about ABNJ and weigh environmental, social and eco-nomic objectives, in the context of a new internationally binding treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond national jurisdiction, the BBNJ agreement. This report is part of a series of reports covering issues of ocean governance with a focus on the Southeast Atlantic (and Southeast Pacific) published under the STRONG High Seas project – Strengthening Regional Ocean Governance for the High Seas (June 2017 – May 2022).

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Spiteri, C., Senechal, T., Hazin, C., Hampton, S., Greyling, L., & Boteler, B. (2021). Study on the Socio-Economic Importance of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction in the Southeast Atlantic Region.



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