Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Towards a common understanding of LCA and TEA for CO2 Utilization technologies : an exchange among policymakers, industry and practitioners ; Brussels, 1. October 2019

On October 1st, 2019, the CO2nsistent Project (co-financed by the Global CO2 Initiative and EIT Climate-KIC) and the PHOENIX Initiative jointly organized a workshop in Brussels on the topic of CO2 utilization technology and assessment methodologies such as Techno-Economic and Life Cycle assessment (TEA and LCA). The event brought together LCA and TEA practitioners, national and European policy agencies, and the corporate field. To stimulate and enhance participation, diverse session formats were offered: thematic presentations by experts, a panel discussion, as well as a break-out session modeled on the “world café” method. The foci of the day were two-fold: Learning how to support European policymakers when assessing the environmental and economic aspects of CO2 utilization, and initiating an exchange with parallel European initiatives conducting research on CCU assessment methodologies and their environmental and economic perspectives.

The event shed light on some unresolved issues raised by industrial actors with regard to the upcom-ing European policy and funding mechanisms (such as ETS Phase IV and Innovation Fund), while national and European decision-makers described the difficulties they face when evaluating CO2 utilization. The current ETS rules are inadequate to properly quantify the climate benefits of indus-trial CCU application, while the Renewable Energy Directive (REDII) lacks requirements for broad-er environmental and social assessments. Workshop participants broadly agreed that the harmoniza-tion of LCA approaches could help to quantify the extent to which CCU can contribute to achieving the GHG emission targets described in the REDII, should address all environmental aspects, and can provide sound guidelines for implementing CCU in the ETS. At the same time, solution-oriented collaborations with LCA and TEA experts (e.g. the CO2nsistent group and others) were considered and examined, also with regard to new instruments and strategies to reduce complexity for policy-makers.

The event also aimed at expanding the networks between the organizers and relevant actors in the field, with a particular focus on national and European policymakers. Members of CO2nsistent, LCA4CCU and the Joint Research Centre – all of whom are engaged in CCU assessment methodol-ogies – scrutinized alignments of proposed solutions and elaborated on specific divergences such as low-TRL technology. The likelihood that this effort could ultimately lead to standards for LCA and TEA for CCU was extensively debated with the direct support of the French (AFNOR) and German (DIN) associations for standardization.

Publication Year



Cremonese, L., Olfe-Kräutlein, B., & Strunge, T. (2020). Towards a common understanding of LCA and TEA for CO2 Utilization technologies: an exchange among policymakers, industry and practitioners; Brussels, 1. October 2019. IASS Workshop Summary, October 2019.


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