Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Identification and analysis of promising carbon capture and utilisation technologies, including the regulatory aspects thereof. Final report

This study was initiated by the European Commission Directorate-General for Climate Action, and attributed to a team of experts from Ramboll, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Universität Kassel Center for Environmental Systems Research, IOM Law, and CE Delft. The study’s objectives are to build a better understanding of novel CCU technologies with three main sub-objectives: 1. to assess the readiness and map the roll out of different CCU technologies in order to clarify which types of technologies are viable for support, including from the planned Innovation Fund under the EU ETS; 2. to examine the EU regulatory set up related to the technologies concerned and assess whether specific provisions are necessary to reflect the contribution by these innovative technologies to climate mitigation while preserving the environmental integrity of the relevant legislation; and 3. to engage with stakeholders for better understanding of the technologies and the legislative setup. To achieve its objectives, the study team conducted a review of the literature on CCU; a web search on the status of existing technologies; a review of relevant legislation; as well as stakeholder consultations in the form of a survey, interviews, two stakeholder workshops and an open event. The study draws from existing knowledge and research, and represents a state-of-the-art review of the current technological and policy status of CCU in Europe.

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Turnau, S., Jaspers, D., Marxen, A., Naims, H., de Bruyn, S., Bringezu, S., Kaiser, S., Gimnes Jarøy, A., Porteron, S., Ombudstvedt, I., Ellingsen Gran, M., Le Den, X., Zotz, F., Olfe-Kräutlein, B., & Bruijne, E. d.(2019). Identification and analysis of promising carbon capture and utilisation technologies, including the regulatory aspects thereof. Final report. Luxemburg: Europäische Union, Amt für Veröffentlichungen.


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