Energy Dominance. Das Schicksal von Klimaschutz und nachhaltiger Energie in der Außenpolitik Donald Trumps
The chapter studies the main features of U.S. energy policy in its emerging international policy dimension. It contrasts the energy policy of Donald Trump with energy and climate policy making under the Obama administration and with the approach in California, highlighting the domestic struggles sustainable energy and climate protection are facing in the U.S.
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Thielges, S., & Unger, C. (2019). Energy Dominance. Das Schicksal von Klimaschutz und nachhaltiger Energie in der Außenpolitik Donald Trumps. In L. D. Herr, M. Müller, A. Opitz, & J. Wilzewski (Eds.), Weltmacht im Abseits. Amerikanische Außenpolitik in der Ära Donald Trump (pp. 267-292). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.