Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Die Transformation des Stromsystems mit Fokus Kohleausstieg. Synthesebericht des Schwerpunktthemas #1. Entwurf

The report presents interim results of the research project Energy Transition Navigation System (ENavi) for political scenarios of a German coal phase-out. The scenario assessment process is based on the scientific results of a diverse set of methods to generate robust knowledge. Stakeholders were actively involved in the form of a co-creative process for the development of policy packages, desirable scenarios and evaluation of the results.

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Edenhofer, O., Fahl, U., Hufendiek, K., Luderer, G., Pahle, M., Pietzcker, R., Zabel, C., Gaschnig, H., Gillich, A., Knodt, M., Kube, R., Löschel, A., Naegler, T., Ober, S., Prehofer, S., Quitzow, R., Rauner, S., Schlacke, S., Schmidt, M., Strunz, S., & Ulmer, F.(2018). Die Transformation des Stromsystems mit Fokus Kohleausstieg. Synthesebericht des Schwerpunktthemas #1. Entwurf. Potsdam: Kopernikus Projekt Energiewende- Navigationssystem | ENavi, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS).

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