Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

One Investment, many Benefits: Soil Rehabilitation for PovertyReduction, Food Security, Climate Change Adaptation, and Biodiversity Protection

KEY MESSAGES1. Without strategic investment in soil rehabilitation and protectionpoor and food insecure households will be left behind and globalagendas will not be achieved! Targeting is of the essence.2. Public investment in soil protection and rehabilitation must beincreased; the private sector has little incentive in investing in soilrehabilitation by food insecure households.3. Cross-sectorial coordination is pivotal to create the right incentivesand to ensure that structural hindrances to SLM are addressedsystematically.4. Technologies for protecting and rehabilitating land and soil at plotand farm levels are well known but are seldom applied at largerscales. Successful adoption – and adaptation – at scale is conditionalon locally owned and driven processes.5. Supportive tenure systems and responsive agricultural advisoryservices are essential preconditions for achieving soil protection andrehabilitation at scale. They must be gender and youth sensitive, andcreate the necessary incentives to protect the soils.

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Sperk, C., Müller, A., Weigelt, J., Davis, J., & Prabhu, R. (2017). One Investment, many Benefits: Soil Rehabilitation for PovertyReduction, Food Security, Climate Change Adaptation, and Biodiversity Protection. Policy Brief.

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