Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

MgB2 round wires for the high-power superconducting cable demonstrator in the Best Paths project

Within the FP7-funded BEST PATHS project, a demonstration area is aiming to validate the MgB2 technology for HVDC power transmission. In this work, results for the different MgB2 wires are presented, with a particular focus on the critical aspects influencing the cable design: wire diameter, critical current performance, mechanical properties, and stress tolerance of the wire subjected to bending and tension.

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Tropeano, M., Ballarino, A., Bruzek, C., Escamez, G., Giannelli, S., Konstantopoulou, K., Lesur, F., Marian, A., & Grasso, G. (2017). MgB2 round wires for the high-power superconducting cable demonstrator in the Best Paths project. In Abstracts.

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