Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ


IOG-Forum - Thematic Working Groups

22.04.2020 - 24.04.2020
Start time:

With the International Ocean Governance Forum (IOG-Forum), the European Commission together with the European External Action Service (EEAS) is developing a new discussion and exchange platform for international ocean governance under the lead of the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG Mare). Experts and stakeholders from various fields are invited to participate in thematic working groups and jointly develop proposals for strengthening the governance framework for the protection and sustainable use of the seas. The IOG Forum thus also supports the further development of the European Union's international marine policy

As a kick-off, the three thematic working groups will offer online webinars between 22 and 24 April 2020 to present the objectives and contents of the IOG Forum and the thematic working groups. Further web-based working meetings are planned for May and October/November 2020, and a joint conference is planned to be held in Brussels from 14-16 December 2020. More information on the thematic working groups and dates is available from the website of the EU International Ocean Governance Forum

Together with TMG - Think Tank for Sustainability and experts from the European Commission, the IASS chairs thematic working group 1 (TWG 1) on Improving the International Ocean Governance Framework which will have its launching webinar on 22 April 2020. The IASS is a partner to this project which is funded by the European Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME).

Organizer: European Commission, together with ACTeon Environment, TMG Research gGmbH - ThinkTank for Sustainability, European Marine Board Fresh Thoughts Consulting GmbH and Institute for Transformative Sustainability Research (IASS)

Event type: closed event (registration required)

You can find the Agenda for working group 1 here.



Barbara Neumann

Dr. Barbara Neumann

Research Group Leader
barbara [dot] neumann [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
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