Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ


Exploring the relational core of transformation

Start time:

This workshop will provide a co-creative reflexive space for participants of the Spirit of Humanity Forum to engage in the question „What enables us to transform separation and fear into connection and compassion?” There will be space for the participants to exchange and explore their experiences where inner transformation guided successful leadership towards sustainability. Also we will engage in silent reflection and contemplative dialogue to deepen our connection with our inner sources for transformative leadership. Lastly, we will offer a brief format of mutually supporting each other in identifying concrete implications for our different work contexts.

The workshop wants to provide an atmosphere of community and open reflexivity to deepen the experiences of the forum for one’s personal context.

This workshop will be part of the "Spirit of Humanity" Forum in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Participation only by invitation.



Thomas Bruhn

Dr. Thomas Bruhn

Research Group Leader
thomas [dot] bruhn [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
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