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Making the Paris Agreement a success for the planet and the people of Vietnam. Unlocking the co-benefits of decarbonising Vietnam’s power sector

The COBENEFITS Policy Report for Vietnam compiles key findings from the COBENEFITS Vietnam Assessment series, quantifying the co-benefi ts of decarbonising Vietnam’s power sector in view of future-oriented employment and skills development and energy access, unlocking development in rural areas related to a less carbon-intensive power sector. The COBENEFITS Vietnam Assessment series can be accessed through www.cobenefi Building on the opportunities presented, the report formulates a set of policy actions to allow government institutions to create an enabling political environment to unlock the social and economic co-benefi ts of the new energy world of renewables for the people of Vietnam. The policy options were generated through a series of roundtable dialogues and government consultations with government institutions, industry associations, and expert and civil society organisations during 2019 and 2020.




IASS Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies Potsdam, UfU Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen, & Green Innovation and Development Centre (GreenID) (Eds.). (2020). Making the Paris Agreement a success for the planet and the people of Vietnam. Unlocking the co-benefits of decarbonising Vietnam’s power sector. IASS Report, October 2020.


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