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Governance of systemic risks for disaster prevention and mitigation. Contributing Paper to GAR 2019

Against the backdrop of natural hazards and disaster risks, the Sendai Framework articulates the need for improved understanding of disaster risk in all its dimensions of exposure, vulnerability and hazard characteristics as well as the strengthening of disaster risk governance (UNISDR, 2015). The report introduces the perspective of systemic risks and demonstrates how this perspective contributes to the goals of the Sendai Framework by highlighting the systemic aspects of disaster risks. The report proposes the concept of inclusive risk governance for improved disaster risk governance. Finally, the report puts forward policy recommendations for disaster risk governance.





Schweizer, P.-J., & Renn, O.(2019). Governance of systemic risks for disaster prevention and mitigation. Contributing Paper to GAR 2019. Geneva, Schweiz: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.

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