Forschungsinstitut für
Nachhaltigkeit | am GFZ

Going Beyond Evidence: Evaluation of and for Policy Advice

Evaluation research can provide policy advice on the basis of evidence that it is increasingly expected to rely upon. At the same time, policy advice itself can take on the role of the evaluandum and become the very object of evaluation. Both these dimensions of the evaluation-advice interface merit attention. However, while there are criteria for the evaluation of policy advice, the use of evaluation for policy advice remains a black box, as this is part of less formal communication and consultation. This notwithstanding, this article will offer an introduction to the various reasons for – as well as various contexts of – evaluation’s increasing importance in policy advice.




Stasiak, D., Römmele, A., & Schober, H. (2018). Going Beyond Evidence: Evaluation of and for Policy Advice. In S. Falk, M. Glaab, A. Römmele, H. Schober, & M. Thunert (Eds.), Handbuch Politikberatung (pp. 1-12). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.



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