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Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Options for Underpinning a Strong Global BBNJ Agreement through Regional and Sectoral Governance

This policy brief demonstrates that there is both a need and opportunity to increase the interplay between the regional and global levels of ocean governance through a new global agreement for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ). Particularly, this policy brief aims to highlight the role and contribution of regional and sectoral governance in developing and underpinning the implementation of a strong high seas agreement. Regional efforts offer lessons learned, platforms for scientific data and knowledge exchange, mechanisms for convening states and stakeholders and coordinating regional approaches and measures for management. This policy brief identifies opportunities for how the coordination, cooperation and action between these two levels can be increased in view of an effective international legally binding agreement under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).




Gjerde, K., Boteler, B., Durussel, C., Rochette, J., Unger, S., & Wright, G. (2018). Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Options for Underpinning a Strong Global BBNJ Agreement through Regional and Sectoral Governance.



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