Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Creation in the Anthropocene

Manuel Rivera

Dr. Manuel Rivera

Research Group Leader

What is certain is that the pace of phenomena like deforestation, urbanisation and climate change has accelerated greatly since 1800 and, especially, since the end of the Second World War. How do we deal with the risks this creates? What do we need to change about our relationship to other people, animals and plants? With their project “Paradise reloaded? – Creation in the Anthropocene”, the IASS, the choir of the Junges Ensemble Berlin (JEB) and the University of the Arts (UdK) Berlin got to grips with these questions in early 2015. The aim was to discuss the Anthropocene as a societal and cultural issue rather than a purely scientific matter. The transdisciplinary communications project was inspired by Joseph Haydn’s Oratorio “The Creation”, which was composed at the beginning of the Anthropocene. A documentary on the project and further related publications will follow.


Manuel Rivera

Dr. Manuel Rivera

Research Group Leader
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